What is the best way to contact Pro Photo Booth Group?
The best way to contact us for quotes or questions about photo booth rental is through our contact page which goes directly to our email. We can also be reached through text for a faster response. It is best to text us before calling as we are able to send prices and availability quicker.
Email: info@prophotoboothgroup.com
Text/ Call: 562.540.9750
Is there a deposit to book the date?
Yes, we have a deposit of $100 which is paid through PayPal when submitting the event information form.
When is the final payment due?
The final payment is due on arrival of your event date. You may also pay anytime before the booking and date of your event. We accept cash, check, credit card, or Venmo.
What is the minimum amount of hours per rental?
Yes, the minimum amount of hours we require is 2.
Is There A Travel Fee?
Depending on how far out your event is from our physical location. Please check out our travel fee map in the pricing section of our website.
Who creates the photo strip?
Our design team will create your photo strip. We can add any logo, color, wording, or theme to your photo strip. You have the final say on the design to confirm.
When can I expect to see my photo strip template?
We typically have your photo strip designed 1-2 weeks before the date of your event. If needed sooner we can accommodate.
Do we get digital copies of the prints?
Yes, you will recieve a link no later than a week after your event with an online digital album which can downloaded directly to your computer or shared via social medias. Online albums will stay up about a year after your event.
When do you arrive to set up for my event?
We arrive about an hour before your event start time to set up. If needed set up sooner, we can typically accommodate but please let us know beforehand.
What does it mean by unlimited copies?
Unlimited copies means that people can take as many pictures as they would like during the time you requested. It also means that everyone in the picture can receive a copy of the print.
This does not mean that you may ask for a printout of all the copies at the end of the night or that someone can ask for multiple copies of the same print. If an extra copy is wanted we can typically accommodate with one or two, but that will vary with the business of the event.
Is there a different price for different setups or backdrops?
All our setups and backdrops are the same price. It will all depend on whether we have availability of setup or backdrop.
Are there any additional fees other than the price posted on your website?
No, what you see on our website is what you pay.